
I Am Wycombe: an invitation to share your stories

I am Wycombe, project logo

A library is made of hundreds if not thousands of stories but who decides what stories are valid and get remembered?


Lasana Shabazz, commissioned artist at Micklefield and High Wycombe Libraries, wants to hear the stories that have shaped you as a person. They could be a fairytale or folklore from your childhood, the story of how you arrived and settled in Wycombe or a tale connected with the street you live in – or about all three. Stories can be submitted via email to

The project will also be offering free online workshops for Wycombe residents past and present that explore the art of storytelling, how to capture your story and how to tell it. These online workshops will run weekly from Thursday 11 March 6pm-7.30pm. To sign up please book a free ticket on the eventbrite page.

Alternatively, if you’d prefer to tell your story confidentially or in a different way you can email Lasana is looking to interview members of the diverse community that makes up Wycombe and archive voices from across the communities. The stories will form a new exhibition and performance in the libraries later in the Spring.

I Am Wycombe is commissioned by Essex Cultural Diversity Project and Farnham Maltings using funding from the Rothschild Foundation and in partnership with Buckinghamshire Libraries.


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