Global Village Rochford and Orchard Finale

Global Village Rochford
Part of Orchard Finale
Visitors and residents of Rochford joined us this September for Global Village, a vibrant afternoon of live music, storytelling, and dance!
Attendees learned Djembe Drumming with Emmanuel Okine; were transported to far off places with storytellers Hannah Brailsford and Jacqueline Johnson; threw some shapes with Jaymini’s Bollywood Dance and Badger’s Den; sat back and listened to the soothing music from Sefo Kanuteh’s traditional African Kora, and enjoyed a solo Tabla performance by Ascharj Singh; and we were swept away with the vibrant rhythms of GIDHA, an all-women folk dance group from the Punjab… All smoothly compered by spoken word performer and poet TriggerBliss! There were also free samosas, colouring sessions, and henna art with Jity Bajaj.
Global Village Rochford was part of Orchard Finale, a day of cultural activity taking place across Rochford Town Centre
Global Village Rochford was part of Orchard Finale, a day of cultural activity taking place across Rochford Town Centre. The Orchard programme is funded by Rochford District Council via the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK. It is also supported by Essex County Council, Essex Cultural Diversity Project, Rochford Parish Council, University of East Anglia, University of Essex and University of East London