Mother Earth Forest Parade

The Mother Earth Forest Parade was colourful celebration of care amongst people and the woods. In September 2024 nature lovers gathered in Hatfield Forest for mask making, a Mother Earth parade, a picnic and the ‘Acts of Care’ Treasure Hunt.
As part of their Hatfield 100 creative commission, Kirsty Badenoch with Wayward hosted a day of fun, frolics, folklore and fantasy to celebrate our rich and varied connections with the woods, with all its creatures, and with one another. Visitors to Hatfield Forest got creative, dressed-up and dragged-up in forest campery, paused in shady spots to share tales and stories, and paraded the less-trodden paths to the sounds of the woods.
In the words of the artists… “The woods are precious and a part of us all. They bring us calm amidst the madness, inspire us and make us smile, encourage us to play and be ourselves. We are all a part of nature and let no-one tell us otherwise! Amidst unstable times, Mother Earth invites us to stand together for freedom, joy and above all, for care. Care for the self, for one another, for our planet and all that transcends the human world. We thank everyone who joined us to walk a brand new way through one of the most ancient, treasured and protected forests in Britain, and proclaim your care!”
This event was part of A Common Way, an art project celebrating the 100th anniversary of Hatfield Forest being gifted to the public, commissioned by Essex Cultural Diversity Project and National Trust.
A Common Way: Project
This event was part of an art project celebrating the 100th anniversary of Hatfield Forest being gifted to the public, commissioned by Essex Cultural Diversity Project and National Trust. Led by Kirsty Badenoch with Wayward, the project explored relationships with the woods through the lens of queer ecofeminism – an ideology that aims to break binaries and acknowledge the diversity of the natural world and humanity’s connection with it.
Over the summer, Kirsty and Wayward have been collecting stories, histories and tales of the Forest, working with communities from near and far, and with people who love, walk, work and volunteer with Hatfield Forest. All of these talks and tales have now been woven into a brand new way of walking: A Common Way: A walking tarot of the wild ways of the woods – a set of walks that invite you to care. Walks that encourage going off the beaten track and getting lost. Walks that change every time you walk them. Walks that inspire wonder and play, and invite you to unite as part of nature, championing freedom of expression, identity and choice across people and species. /
A Common Way is a commission from the National Trust and Essex Cultural Diversity Project, supported by Arts Council England.